10 Agustus 2011

Lagu Perpisahan in english (*terjemahan sekenanya)

Diposting oleh tiu_aja di 15.06
Today as blue, blue like the sky bright
Like the blue of our hearts, together we are here
Beautiful day, beautiful like a rug in the garden of paradise
like the beauty of our hearts, though we will split up

Did not our hearts have long been united,
in the story of friendship in the love of God?
Hold our hands tightly for the last time,
remove the tears, even though we are separated

Goodbye friend
Keep fighting
May we meet again
Remember the good times we
Like the blue today

nah kalu temen pengen ngedengerin lagu aslinya, bisa dilihat disini- http://www.4shared.com/audio/l4MxD25K/EDCOUSTIC_-_Sebiru_Hari_Ini.htm , kl mo download jg silahkan mumpung UU pendownloadan belum dikeluarkan pak mentri...(*baca berita di headline yahoo hari ini - http://id.berita.yahoo.com/melanggar-hak-cipta-menkominfo-larang-masyarakat-unduh-lagu-140232298.html)
lg iseng belajar translate jadinya seperti diatas...lagu kesukaan temanku, untuk mengenangan perpisahannya dengan sahabat karibnya, dan aku jadi ikutan suka...Good Song...untuk Edcoustic, maap ya lancang sdh translate ke bhs ingris...SEMANGAT!!!

NB:semoga enggak ngganggu...

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